3 Basics Of Personal Financial Planning - The Entrepreneur's Success Formula


The Perfect Equation

Every consultant understands that personal finance starts with ensuring the money coming in is greater than the money being spent. This ratio is the basis for any wealth strategy or success formula.

This article is not based Personal Financial Planning on personal financial management. However, entrepreneurs understand that the principles can be applied to businesses.

1. Cash flow increases
2. Debt elimination
3. Wealth creation

Growth Concept

Corporate America decided in the past decade that it was possible to improve cash flow by cutting costs rather than increasing revenue. More employees are possible with growth in business. Expansion is impossible if the workforce is dwindled. This also increases the work load for the employees who are still working.

If I increase cash flow, then budget items such as entertainment and vacations will become more important. This is home economics. You can leverage more time and cash flow by hiring domestic service providers.

This personal financial education is used by entrepreneurs to help them grow their business and hire people. Business owners can outsource and hire employees directly if they have higher profits. They can now spend more time on other things and discover lifestyles by design.


There are many personal financial service companies that can help you reduce your debt. If we consider debt as an essential component of our financial plan, we need to ask ourselves: "Will this debt create an asset or a liability?"

Each dollar and each day we spend in debt will affect how long we can grow before we retire. Reducing debt is like trying to solve a larger problem.

Wealthy people don’t have to pay interest on debts that could negatively affect their financial planning. They give away money because it helps to reduce their taxes and strengthen the economy in which we live.

It is not the same thing as debt elimination. People can build wealth by eliminating debt and increasing cash flow.

Building, Maintaining and Gathering

It is possible to increase cash flow and eliminate all of your debts, but still have nothing at the end.

Wealth that lasts is a benefit for our children and the world. The vision or mission of great men and women is greater than wealth and prosperity.

This is just another financial principle. Although the goal is to be wealthy, there are always reasons and a purpose.

This can be as simple as the desire to live in luxury and poolside for the rest our lives or as deep as a passion to end world hunger.



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